For the Women:
So I want to explain why you are not, if your not, experiencing "good men". More importantly how your energetic alignment ie the ways you think about yourself, particularly your masculine lover self, are effecting your relationship experience in the physical.
Do you put you first, most important in your life? Do you care for yourself and believe that without you the world would be less? Do you include logic and EMOTION in your life or do you exclude one to a degree do you can 'control' your life and others? Do you honor your feelings and trust their message? Do you honor your instincts and act on them? Do you include all parts of yourself in your waking life? Do you honor, trust, communicate and even more have you connected with your masculine energy? Do you have an intimate relationship with your spiritual masculine self? Have you meditated and went to meet him, to see him and talk to him and more importantly to listen. If your experiencing negative male interactions, your masculine self is angry, rejected, used and abused, manipulated, loved and left, told to just stop being a pussy, a boy and be a man, told to give but not honored, respected or TRUSTED, he is demanded to provide all of the love for you that you won't give yourself, fulfill all your needs, desires, attention, compliments, be there when you want, cuddle you, coddle you, make love to you, fuck you, kiss your feet, open doors but you never reciprocate. You need to reciprocate to your masculine self. You NEED, he NEEDS to be trusted, honored, respected and more importantly LOVED unconditionally. YOU need to Receive what your masculine self and energy has to give you. If you will not receive this, this part of yourself, the men in your physical life will respond to the energy alignment you have chosen to experience. If you view them negatively in any way, you are attuning your energy to manifest that view in your life. You WILL experience that. You WILL see only that. With that belief you have chosen to experience the masculine in whichever negative way you view them. Now you do this, because your SOUL is your healer and needs you to understand WHY you have chosen that negative view. Best way for your Soul to teach you, is through the life your focused on the most, your physical life. It will use your alignment to teach you. Think about that. If you don't like your experience of men in your physical life, you can change that. You can change it by changing you. You only perceive what you believe. You ONLY manifest your OWN inner masculine man and energy. So I challenge every women who reads this article, to sit down, take an hour for yourself. I don't care what excuses you have made about being to busy or your kids or whatever it might be that's keeping you from aligning with yourself, set them down, make time. Run a bath, light some candles, some incense, use some essential oils that jive with you, soak and meditate, go let the worries go, let the anger go. Now imagine in your head, your masculine self. Let him become what he is. He will be angry, he'll be an asshole because of that. He will not want to talk to you. He might try to walk away. He might slap you. DON"T run and don't let him run. HE is part of YOU. Its your mind and soul. First apologize to him. Tell him you are here to make peace. Tell him you are here to learn to love him. Ask him to teach you and talk to you. Be receptive, he is not the enemy, you are. Continue this until he responds. Talk honestly to him about what you have experienced and ASK him why this is happening. LISTEN to what he has to say. You WILL cry. You will be angry at the treatment you have inflicted on this part of yourself. You will feel his sadness and frustration. You will in this moment begin to understand a man. You will in this moment begin to understand yourself. You will in this moment begin to understand just how much you are the cause and what you can do to align your life experience with your authentic self. Now GO, make a DATE once a week with just you and your masculine self. Meet, talk, laugh, heal. Every. Single. Week. Just you and him. Talk to him in your head every day. Ask his advice, be receptive to it. Act on it. Its a learning process. You have to establish a relationship with your masculine self, so you will align to relate with the men in your physical life. This is your goal. I am inviting you to step up your active participation and create. I am inviting you to learn to love yourself and learn to love men as well.
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