Friday, January 9, 2015

Sex internal...

We all seek love, romance and passion. Its like a deep underground river in our soul that we follow, feeling its tug and pull, looking for someone to show us how to get to it, how to feel it, how to express it. We look so much for the 'lover', we struggle, we feel alone, we get bitter, lost in our heads, not understanding the lover we seek is the lover within. We don't understand the lover without, can only come into our life when we have connected and are expressing this inner lover. Our relationship with this inner lover is expressed in the relationships we are in, have had and will experience. How good or bad we deem each relationship is a direct correlation to our own relationship with our inner lover. Which at first might seem depressing to many of us and a down right 'fuck this shit, I'm done' moment for some others. The really neat thing about this however, is we can use our ex's, breakups and other experiences to fix our relationship with our inner lover and directly effect who we attract into our lives. We are in control of what we experience, if only we take up the proverbial steering wheel of our own lives. So let me translate a few things for us, to show what the longings we experience are trying to tell us...
The Kiss. For many women and men this is a big one. Its draw is a longing in the heart and body like no other, that perfect moment when all is right in the world. The Kiss is a call to the first taste of authenticity, where for the first time you touch the authentic you and accept it wholeheartedly, with no reserve and you commune with you as you are without the expectations that you have carried since birth. How you seek this is by acceptance of yourself.
The Embrace. The Embrace is about letting down the walls ie the lies you have been told about yourself, and coming into contact with your authentic self. It is holding your needs, desires and self close to your heart and above all else. It is the grasping of who you really are and loving unconditionally every aspect of the authentic you. It is the showing of affection, the acceptance and allowance of this part of yourself to heal fully and express itself through your feelings and honoring of those feelings as valid and worthy.
The Touch. The Touch of the lover is the exploration, the getting to know who you are and what you are capable of. The 'hands on' actively working with this part of yourself. The acknowledgment, the listening and even more importantly the action physically in this world to validate and fulfill your honored needs, desires and Soul in this world. In doing this we experience pleasure and passion for ourselves and our life.
The Penetration. Penetration is joining of your masculine and feminine energies, selves and passive/aggressive actions into a whole to create the life you are desiring. It is Creation. It is becoming whole and undivided. It is the acceptance that both the receptive and giving parts of self are equally engaged, together in a dance of balanced expression. It is the tapping into the energy frequency, the energetic source of life. It is the use of both passive and aggressive energies and the harnessing of those to create the building of the new life we desire through contact, listening and actions to express our inner lover.
While there are many more aspects to the inner lover, some of which explore the shadow side of the lover who has been rejected, parts of which have been tied up in bondage, punished and twisted into unfamiliar forms, starting with the four basic elements of meeting and merging with our inner lover is the crucial four steps we must take to have a physical relationship take form in any way that is healthy, satisfying or long term.
If you are desiring to know how you can personally apply these to your life and in which ways you are not your own lover and how to fix that, contact me for a soul consultation tarot reading to get the meeting process started in your own love life. I would love to work with you to create your own bridge to learning to love your authentic self and creating a working love life in the 'real' world.

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