Love is like lightening. The most natural all powerful, motivating, elemental force of life. We fear love because like lightening, it is pure life force and as in life it destroys all that stands in its way of expressing and creating. To effectively love, we have to be fully whole in ourselves and connected to all of life. Any blockages will be destroyed to build connection. When we fall in love or connect to its energy, it sweeps through us and our life removing obstacles, limits and restrictions in any form, from people to beliefs to life situations etc. Its ultimate goal and design as the most irresistible force in living is to realize full mastery through human form in all its variations. The key to not getting blown to bits, to loosing ourselves without getting lost is to surrender to its master design and allow the rewiring of all that resists its goal. So fear loves power only if you resist it or if you are brave enough, let it strip you down and rewire you into the being of love you were designed to be.
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