Saturday, January 10, 2015

Woman and Wealth

Money is masculine. Abundance is feminine. All things pertaining to money, its making, collecting etc is done through a masculine structure of work, buying, selling etc. Abundance is through natural flow, what is needed or wanted is traded, bartered, created and received or given. The problems with women making a rich abundant life is they equate it to money and try to bring it through that very rigid, structured, limited way. As women we are receivers, makers, creators, healers etc etc, work, money and all its structures are based upon the buying and selling of those creations, resources and free gifts of nature. THIS DOES NOT WORK. When manifesting abundance for your life it does not come from money or work, its comes freely as a trade of equal service and energy in a multitude of ways. Women who succeed in the money/work world end up men in woman skin suits to do so. STOP thinking like a man, let the money and work mindset go completely, learn to receive, knowing all things are there for you and will come whichever way is natural. Surrender to your inner cornucopia and allow manifestation which ever way it comes. We block this by expecting what we want to come via the masculine structure of money and work, this isnt natural or right. So when creating abundance, let the money go, its useless except to buy and sell living, growing, creations. It does not mean it will not come to you but it will expect to be used rightly for RESOURCES to create with, not finished creations. Manifest things, food, homes, etc etc and then be open and allow them to come whichever way they choose. Drop the money/work attitude, its killing your natural creative energy that brings abundance to you naturally. The more you create, the more you receive to create with.

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